Reimagining Education at Des Moines Public Schools means providing the best education choices to prepare all students for successful futures.

With the aspirational goal of reimagining education and reinvigorating schools, this multi-year plan calls for major changes and improvements to enhance support for the educational outcomes of students in Des Moines.

While many school districts across the country face enrollment losses and funding shortfalls, DMPS is hard at work to find sustainable solutions that will improve outcomes for students, keep our great staff, and develop high-quality places for learning, benefitting all of Des Moines.

Learn more about Reimagining Education on this website, and check back from time to time for news and updates.

A committee of students, parents, community members, teachers and staff reviews data and research and develops a proposal.

The public reviews the proposal and gives feedback.

The committee uses the public input to refine the proposal before sending a final recommendation to the School Board.

The School Board makes the final decision on how to move forward.

This website features regular updates and information about Reimagining Education, from the reason this work is underway to the research behind it to what it may mean for our students and community.